Some Things I enjoy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

dorm life.

silly things i’ve learned through dorm life:

exactly where I have to put my laptop for it to connect to the internet
never forget to refill the bathroom with toilet paper, or suffer the wrath of my bathroom- mates
NEVER leave my room key lying around. Sketch.
not to play music past 10 pm, just in case you have a psycho roommate….well….until she moves out
to label my food, not that anyone wants to eat my healthy food anyway
never drink a whole gallon of apple juice during juice? pong
not to leave my dishes in the sink too long
not to turn the light on when my roommate is already fast asleep
don’t prank the boys down the hall unless you plan on getting pranked back..and much worse
if the scrunchie is on the doorknob….don’t go in!
unless you want the boys downstairs to write mean notes to you..don’t bounce a basketball on the floor
to not put toast in the toaster and forget about it….fire alarm anyone?

these are just a few silly things I’ve learned since living in snow hall a.k.a. the coolest dorm on campus!


kandis lake said...

as in perfect. not pervert.

Chelsie Campbell said...

What a cute little blog! :) Now we need pictures! :)